The Only Wedding Table Seating Plan You Will Ever Need

  • Publication date: 08/31/2022
  • Updated: 05/01/2023

Preparing for a marriage is an extremely painstaking process. A particularly difficult moment comes when you must decide which of your friends and relatives you should invite and who you shouldn't. And when it appears the preparations are over, the guests still require to be properly seated. Keep reading to find out how to place guests easily and correctly.

Be sure to check How to Plan a Wedding: Step-By-Step Guide out if you haven't planned all your other preparations in detail yet.

How Should You Seat Guests At A Wedding

Photo by @luveraphotography

We can talk about the 5 main rules for seating guests.

  • People of approximately the same age should be at the same table.
  • People from the same neighborhood should sit together. Colleagues from work and friends with common hobbies also sit together.
  • It is advisable to make a separate children's table for children elder than 6-7 years. Children up to 4-5 years old sit with their family members.
  • Teenagers aged 13-15 should be with young people even when their families are present at the celebration.
  • The closest relatives and parents of the bride and groom should sit together.

There are two options when it comes to seating parents: either the closest relatives from the bride and groom's side will sit at one table, or they and their grandparents occupy separate tables.

Wedding Table Placement: 3 Rules

Photo by @chrissyoneillco

Planning the arrangement of the tables is also difficult sometimes. Listen to the recommendations of your decorators or planners, as well as administrators in the restaurant.

Rule #1: Try to put the tables so that all guests can see the bride and groom. Don't choose a location with many columns and walls as this might close the view for someone.
Photo by

Rule #2: Parents, siblings, and grandparents, should seat close to the head table. After that, you should place close friends and relatives.

Photo by @silverorchardcreative

Rule #3: Don't split tables with friends far apart. Try to organize tables with young people in one part of the hall, and tables with relatives in another.

Photo by @kristakphotos

Don't be mad if you don't write the perfect plan immediately. The number of invitees will still change so this isn't a problem.

Wedding Table Seating Charts Ideas

Wezoree is ready to present you 15 fresh ideas on how to creatively design a seating chart:

  1. Inscriptions or postcards on the mirror.
  2. Let’s Frolic Together
    Photo by Let’s Frolic Together
  3. Printouts in photo frames.
  4. Stand with photos and newspaper clippings.
  5. Large polygraphic canvas.
  6. Print on fabric.
  7. @anyakernes
    Photo by @anyakernes
  8. Engrave names on metal or wood.
  9. Text on transparent plastic.
  11. Photo of the guests and table number next to the photo.
  12. Stylized plates with inscriptions of surnames.
  13. Bottles with stickers.
  14. Lindsay Hackney Photography
    Photo by Lindsay Hackney Photography
  15. Poster with branded drinks next to it.
  16. Clippings from maps or lines of metro and electric transport with inscriptions in a circle.
  17. Photo zone with a wall painted with graffiti inscriptions of names.
  18. @marielacare
    Photo by @marielacare
  19. Ropes with name tags.
  20. Mikkel Paige Photography
    Photo by Mikkel Paige Photography
  21. Transparent cubes with inscriptions and flowers inside.
  22. Daniela-Zoccarato
    Photo by Daniela-Zoccarato
    Photo by

You can make up anything you want. The seating chart should be in harmony with the wedding concept. To make it more personalized, decorate everything with your special stamp or photo.

Wedding Seating Chart Etiquette About Names

The inscriptions themselves are also important. Use beautiful fonts, thick and thin letters, headings, and body text. You can write numbers or be creative with table names. You can even invent a seating history. For example, style everything like a plane or a short trip around the city.

To make it easy for guests to find themselves, you can write their surnames alphabetically and then the table number next to it. However, if you do not have many guests, it is better to arrange everything according to the numbers.

Don't worry too much. All guests will definitely find their place at the table. Your goal is to enjoy the moment and never regret a thing. Read Top 22 Things Brides Regret Not Doing At Their Wedding to do everything perfectly.

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