Libby Dollar Photographer | About

Libby Dollar Photographer | About

crown Top 30 in Houston
crown 1634 on Wezoree

The secret to great pictures is this: When you feel great, you look great. I know how to help you experience both.

star 5(7)
budget $10 000
Libby Dollar
Photographer Libby Dollar About me

I’m a photographer because I’ve had horrible wedding photos and I wanted to make sure no one else had the same bad experience. I got married to my first husband in 2006 when I was still in college. Back then I was directed to lay my ring hand with my new husband’s across the Bible, to do the dreaded jumping photo, and to gaze into my bouquet like it could tell the future. It felt weird to be around that photographer, and when I got the photos back, those felt weird too. I was posed like what a bride was supposed to look like and I smiled like I was told to smile—not my real smile. Wedding photos in general have come a long way since then, but the feeling of being treated like a prop at your own wedding is still a common problem.