Piper & Muse
Planner Piper & Muse About me

A graduate from Arizona State University, Piper has lived and traveled throughout the west coast––from Portland to Los Angeles and Scottsdale––and she is thrilled to be a Houstonian for ten years now.  With experience in coordinating and planning a variety of events, she has found her passion in weddings to be the most rewarding. Piper has a strong creative vision, impeccable organizational skills, and the perky energy needed to succeed in this industry.   One of Piper's favorite pastimes is sharing a meal with friends and family. Her recent obsessions include Common Bond, The Pastry War, and the chicken fried lobster at MAX'S Wine Dive. She recently had her own Bizarre Foods moment when she tried mescal with a side of grasshoppers and watermelon at The Pastry War. When it comes to food, she'll try anything once!