We are both pretty private people which is why you won’t see our faces all over social media much. You won’t see us dancing on tiktok either- sorry guys ;) we’ve been together for over 12 years and met in the cheesiest way possible. We both went to breakfast one morning and I saw Brad walk in with his friends and thought he was super cute so my friends actually wrote my name + number on a napkin and handed it to him. He texted me that afternoon and I hopped on the back of his motorcycle that night and we’ve been married for over 10 years now. We have two border collies named Ollie + Zephyr and we’re super obsessed with them. We love traveling and jamming in the car to music. I was born and raised in Hawaii and Brad is from Iowa (suuuuper random, I know)

Keani Bakula Videographer | About
Creative intention, deep connection.

Keani Bakula
About me