Krenn Events Planner

Krenn Events Planner

crown Top 5 in Vienna
crown 156 on Wezoree
crown 7 years in Industry

We may not be magicians, but sometimes we come close! We plan and manage your dream wedding. Founder: Verena Krenn

star 5(7)
budget $10 000
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7 Reviews for Krenn Events

out of 5. Recommended by 100% of couples
Stéphanie De Winter Married couple on 20 Jul 2024
Thank you Verena for everything. Our wedding was a dream that came true.
Carina Bolz Married couple on 08 Jul 2023
Verena ist eine Person, die mit sehr viel Empathie einherkommt, sich wunderbar in Menschen hineinversetzen kann und daher sehr schnell und unkompliziert die Wünsche für das kommende Event versteht und Realität werden lässt. Der absolute USP war für uns das Versprechen, das Event von Anfang bis Ende zu betreuen, diejenige zu sein, die den Raum nach der Party abschließt und wirklich rund um
die Uhr für uns da zu sein.
Für unsere Hochzeit sind wir stets professionell, perfekt organisiert und detailgetreu beraten und informiert  worden, sodass wir unser Wochenende 100% entspannt genießen konnten. Das einzige was unsere Aufgabe war, war es dieses perfekte Wochenende erleben zu dürfen und mit unseren Gästen Zeit zu verbringen.
Vielen Dank Verena, du bist für uns nicht nur ein kompetentes Organisationstalent, sondern uns auch menschlich ans Herz gewachsen. Die Priorität lag deinerseits immer an unserem Wohlbefinden und wir sind sehr glücklich uns vor 1,5 Jahren für dich entschieden zu haben.
Steffi Braun Married couple on 10 Jun 2023
Verena hat uns über 1,5 Jahre hinweg ganz wunderbar auf unsere Hochzeit vorbereitet. Sie legt viel Wert auf Details, ist absolut zuverlässig, hat ein tolles Netzwerk zu Dienstleistern und viel Erfahrung in der Eventplanung. So konnten wir alles beruhigt in ihre Hände legen, was bei einer Hochzeit im Ausland besonders wichtig ist. Als unser großer Tag schließlich gekommen war, war alles einfach perfekt. Verena und ihr Team haben sich liebevoll um alles gekümmert, als Brautpaar konnten wir uns fallen lassen und unseren Tag einfach nur genießen.

Wir hatten nicht nur eine tolle Hochzeitsplanerin, sondern haben auch einen wunderbaren Menschen kennengelernt. Vielen Dank für alles, liebe Verena!
Alessandro Pardi Married couple on 15 Apr 2023
I have worked with Verena on many occasions and every time it is always a great pleasure. She is a great professional, precise and attentive to every detail, who accompanies you in working with couples with attention and sensitivity to every kind of need. She has great taste and her weddings are always splendid, from every point of view. We will work together again soon and I can't wait!
Katka Koncal Married couple on 25 Mar 2023
Verena Krenn Events is an excellent wedding and events planner in Europe especially in Austria and Italy. VK Events is highly recommended for it's professionally, individual customer  based approach and friendly environment. Working with VK Events is like having your best friend with you.
Rudi Schmidhofer Married couple on 12 Nov 2022
Verena helped us organize our Wedding in 2022. From start to finish it was one of the best service experiences we had in our life. She and her team made sure we could just enjoy the day and focus on the party and guests. Would always recommend her and her wonderful team again.
Clara Pfannkuch Married couple on 05 Nov 2022
Verena hat uns mit Verena Krenn Events bei der Planung unserer Hochzeit im November 2022 gerettet! Als Wedding- und Eventplanner konnte sie und ihr Team uns in allen noch offnen Schritten zur Seite stehen und Verena war eine wahre Party-Enzyklopädie!
Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass wir ihre Unterstützung bei unserer Hochzeitsplanung hatten.

Ohne Verena Krenn Events Hilfe hätten wir es auf keinen Fall geschafft, unsere Hochzeit so reibungslos und vor allem stressfrei zu organisieren. Verena und ihr Team sind wahre Profis, wenn es um Organisation, Ablauf, Dekorationen, Blumen, Hochzeitstorte, Zeitplan, Getränke, Essen… geht und waren am Tag der Hochzeit persönlich für uns da - Ich mag gar nicht darüber nachdenken, was wir alles ohne sie übersehen hätten!

Wir konnten uns voll auf sie und ihre Expertisen verlassen, der Tag wäre nur halb so schön gewesen. Ihre professionelle Arbeitsweise hat uns voll und ganz überzeugt!

Wir können Verena Krenn Events wärmstens weiterempfehlen und würden sofort wieder für Feiern buchen!


Krenn Events
Planner Krenn Events About me

Our Founder Verena Krenn: My journey into wedding planning began years ago, driven by a passion for creating extraordinary experiences. With a background in luxury hospitality and a deep appreciation for impeccable service, I was naturally drawn to the world of high-end weddings.    The very first wedding I planned was an ambitious project—100 guests flown in from Nevada to the Austrian countryside for a four-day celebration. From an alpine hiking adventure to an exclusive wedding in a medieval castle. Seeing the couple’s overwhelming joy and knowing I had crafted something truly magical—that was the moment I knew this was my calling.      What inspires me most? The privilege of bringing our clients’ dreams to life while offering them the privacy, trust, and exclusivity they seek.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average price for Krenn Events wedding planning services?


What percentage of users recommend Krenn Events and which are the most valued aspects of their wedding services?

Krenn Events is recommended by 100% of couples who have used their services. Their overall rating is 5.0, with the same score awarded for quality of service, flexibility, value, professionalism and average response time.

Vendor Insight

Verena Krenn Events emerges as a beacon of excellence within Vienna's wedding industry. This adept planner boasts not just one, but three celebrated Wezoree Awards. Recognition of this magnitude is the gold standard for couples seeking a wedding that's perfectly choreographed down to the last detail. Nestled in the heart of Vienna, Verena Krenn Events is synonymous with the city's reputation for elegance and culture.

From the onset, the company demonstrates a palpable blend of traditional grace and innovative planning. As a wedding planner, they shoulder the immense responsibility of turning nuptial dreams into reality. Personalized service is the cornerstone of their business philosophy, ensuring each couple feels as though they are their only client. The company's portfolio is a tapestry of diverse ceremonies and receptions, each distinct yet uniformly exquisite.

Verena Krenn's expertise is particularly apparent in her meticulous attention to detail. Whether it's selecting the perfect bouquet of flowers or orchestrating a seamless day-of schedule, her touch is always precise and thoughtful. The tireless commitment to creating memorable events is evident, making her a guiding star for betrothed couples.

Testimonies from satisfied newlyweds adorn the Verena Krenn Events website, painting a picture of a planner who is as much an ally as she is an artist. Clients laud her for going above and beyond, turning the daunting task of wedding planning into a joyous journey. The consensus is clear: partnering with Verena Krenn is an assurance of quality.

The three Wezoree Awards serve as a testament to her consistent excellence. This accolade is reserved for those who not only meet but exceed industry standards. The awards also reflect her ability to stay abreast of trends, align with the best vendors, and offer unparalleled guidance throughout the entire planning process.

In conclusion, Verena Krenn Events stands as a paragon of wedding planning ingenuity. Engaging their services means entrusting your special day to a seasoned professional capable of weaving dreams into the fabric of reality. For those tying the knot in Vienna, the choice is unequivocal: let Verena Krenn Events orchestrate a day as timeless and enchanting as the city itself.