Jakub Majevski Photographer

Jakub Majevski Photographer

crown Top 5 in Warsaw
crown 799 on Wezoree
crown 18 years in Industry

Love is what inspires me. I specialize in modern and elegant wedding photography.

star 5(7)
budget $3 000
Jakub Majevski Photographer photo
Jakub Majevski Photographer photo
Jakub Majevski Photographer photo
Jakub Majevski Photographer photo
Jakub Majevski Photographer photo
Jakub Majevski Photographer photo
Jakub Majevski Photographer photo
Jakub Majevski Photographer photo
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7 Reviews for Jakub Majevski

out of 5. Recommended by 100% of couples
Lidia Szuwała Married couple on 02 Oct 2021
Zdecydowanie polecam Jakuba! Wspaniale uchwycił wszystkie detale, mamy super pamiątkę po ślubie i przede wszystkim nie czuliśmy się skrępowani w trakcie zdjęć. Jakub nam podpowiadał co możemy zrobić, gdzie się ustawić do portretów i pozowanych zdjęć a w trakcie imprezy nie czuło się jego obecności! Jestem zachwycona.
Kasialina Maria Married couple on 05 Oct 2019
Jakub and Aga exceeded my expectations throughout my wedding day. Not only are they so pleasant to be around (super important) but also they are both extremely talented. I am so glad we hired them both. Highly recommended.
Dominika Wojtczak-Witkowska Married couple on 03 Oct 2019
Kuba to prawdziwy profesjonalista! Nie spodziewałam się tak spektakularnych efektów Naszej współpracy. Bardzo cieszę się, że Jakub stworzył dla Nas tak piękną pamiątkę jednego z najważniejszych dni w Naszym życiu. Co ważne, ujął zarówno te zabawne, jak i wzruszające momenty! Jestem bardzo wdzięczna i polecam wszystkim usługi oferowane przez Kubę.
Ania Lotocka Married couple on 24 Aug 2019
Jakub to osoba, która wkłada całe serce i duszę w to, co robi. Jego fotografie to opowiedziane miłosne historie w najpiękniejszy z możliwych sposobów. Wspaniale chwyta światło, nie zapomina o detalach, które stanowią ogromną część w zdjęciach ze ślubu, ale co najważniejsze... Potrafi uchwycić najlepsze momenty, które pozostaną z Wami na zawsze. Człowiek z ogromnym talencie i sercu. Miły, elegancki, profesjonalny. Czasem działa w teamie z Agnieszką i razem stanowią bardzo zgrany duet! Ja z Kubą już współpracowałam i co tu dużo mówić... Sztos! Polecam jako konsultantka ślubna! Z całego serca! The best of the best! Jeśli zależy Wam na jakości to nawet się nie zastanawiajcie! ;))
Karina Ciosk Komorowska Married couple on 13 Oct 2018
Polecam BAAARDZOOO jako Weddingplannerka. Z Jakubem współpracuje od dawna. Zdjęcia robi przepiękne! Zawsze moi klienci są bardzo zadowoleni. Do tego jest człowiekiem na poziomie, miłym, spokojnym. Super! Profesjonalista! Mam nadzieje, ze będziemy często widywać się na wspólnych ślubnych realizacjach!
Olivera Rajská Married couple on 14 Oct 2017
Absolutely perfect photos. Jakub and Aga are harmonic couple, they love their work and that´s what everybody can see, they make a good,relaxed atmosphere what people can see on the photos.. Thank you for experincie and memories for hole life.
Mateusz Twardosz Married couple on 16 Sep 2017
Polecam tego Pana Fotografa wszystkim! Jakubie pozdrawiam serdecznie i mam nadzieje do zobaczenia!


Jakub Majevski
Photographer Jakub Majevski About me

I am a wedding photographer with over 20 years of experience, specializing in elegant and luxurious ceremonies around the world. My work has been published in renowned magazines such as Forbes, Amber and Muse, and The White Wren.  I also offer engagement and outdoor sessions, creating intimate and personal images that complement each couple’s love story. My approach is inspired by fashion photography, ensuring every moment is captured with elegance and style.  If you are looking for a photographer who can authentically capture the uniqueness and sophistication of your wedding, I would love to discuss how we can work together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average price for Jakub Majevski wedding photography services?


What percentage of users recommend Jakub Majevski and which are the most valued aspects of their wedding services?

Jakub Majevski is recommended by 100% of couples who have used their services. Their overall rating is 5.0, with the same score awarded for quality of service, flexibility, value, professionalism and average response time.

Vendor Insight

As a notable talent on the Warsaw wedding scene, Jakub Majevski stands out not just for his artistic prowess behind the lens but also for his warm presence, winning him two prestigious Wezoree Awards. The numerous glowing testimonials from satisfied clients offer a tapestry of his excellent service and skill in the field of wedding photography.

Jakub's work is characterized by a thoughtful approach to capturing the detailed narrative of a couple's special day. Clients like Lidia Szuwała highlight his ability to make the photographed parties feel at ease, ensuring a collection of natural and unstaged moments that serve as cherished mementos.

Kasialina Maria's review shines a light on Jakub's exceptional talent and pleasant demeanor, qualities that invariably enhance the celebration. Meanwhile, Dominika Wojtczak-Witkowska expresses immense gratitude for his ability to narrate both humorous and tender instances, producing a spectacular memento of irreplaceable value.

Ania Lotocka, a wedding consultant, talks about Jakub's passionate attitude toward his craft. Her endorsement showcases Jakub's meticulous attention to light and detail whilst capturing the essence of love stories. She underscores the impressive synergy he shares with Agnieszka, illustrating the proficiency of their partnership.

Karina Ciosk Komorowska's professional perspective as a wedding planner reinforces Jakub's esteemed reputation. The consistent satisfaction among couples and the poised, professional service he brings to each wedding underscores his commitment to excellence in his field.

The testimonials conclude with Olivera Rajská and Mateusz Twardosz commending the remarkable quality and atmosphere of Jakub's photos. As Olivera notes, Jakub and Aga's passion is evident in their work, and it's that capacity for evoking and preserving treasured experiences that come to define Jakub Majevski as an exceptional wedding photographer.