I'm a full time Wedding Photographer living in Stockholm. I quit my job as a Social Media Manager for Netflix three years ago to be able to work with my dream and to have full control and the freedom of working for myself. I've always dreamt about becoming a Photographer but never really knew in what field so ever since I was 11 years old I took photos of everything that came in my way (read: everything from closeups on leafs to portraits of my mum's friends). I got my first pay slip from a local newspaper when was 15 when selling some photo to them and somewhere there I realized this could be my future job. I did one wedding every second year when someone I knew was getting married but it wasn't until August 2020 when I shot a magical wedding of a beautiful friend and her handsome husband with a gorgeous dress and a great wedding planner that I came to the conclusion that "I think this can become my thing". That's when it all started for real. I could take all my knowledge and experience from shooting fashion and streetstyle, portraits, events, spontaneous moments with friends, travels and products into one niche. In weddings I get it all and that's probably what I love the most about being a Wedding Photographer.

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Jennifer Kivinen
About me