Lima de Miguel Photographer photo
Lima de Miguel Photographer photo
Lima de Miguel Photographer photo
Lima de Miguel Photographer photo
Lima de Miguel Photographer photo
Lima de Miguel Photographer photo
Lima de Miguel Photographer photo
Lima de Miguel Photographer photo
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7 Reviews for Lima de Miguel

out of 5. Recommended by 100% of couples
Nikki Tay Married couple on 15 Apr 2023
Miguel’s skill and finesse in photography is simply amazing. He is so professional, fun and simply a joy to work with!!! He made my fiancé and I feel so at ease, and his perfectionism in his photos is so apparent. Even the sneaks of the raw photos kept me smiling from ear to ear the entire day! Cannot wait to see the photos soon! I WOULD FLY TO SPAIN AGAIN JUST TO USE HIS PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES!
Niamh Kelly Married couple on 08 Jun 2024
We used Miguel as our wedding photographer as well as for a pre wedding photoshoot and we couldn't love the photos more! Miguel, along with Anna, were a vital part of our wedding & pre wedding and we absolutely adore the photos they took. They are artists who are absolutely exceptional at what they do and not only did they capture the most beautiful, authentic photos, they made the day more enjoyable with their bubbly, lovely personalities. They fitted seamlessly in to our day and I'd highly, highly recommend them as I can guarantee you won't be disappointed. All of our guests also commented on how amazing the photographers were and that even before seeing the photos they could tell they would be amazing.
Daniel Páez Pérez Married couple on 09 Mar 2024
Miguel es un artista. Supo capturar de maravilla la esencia del día de nuestra boda y nos ha dejado unas fotos que son puro arte. La sesión pre-boda fue espectacular y también la disfrutamos mucho. Es una persona extrovertida y divertida, pero lo que sobre todo le define es profesionalidad, atención al detalle, planificación y un gran amor por la fotografía. Da gusto verle como disfruta con su trabajo y cómo luego es capaz de capturar momentos únicos.
Deyanira Cordero Torres Married couple on 25 May 2024
Miguel, un gran fotógrafo y mejor persona. Desde el momento en que decidimos contratarlo para nuestra preboda, boda y post boda, nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos en buenas manos.

Desde el primer clic de la preboda hasta el último flash de la post boda, Miguel estuvo ahí, capturando cada sonrisa, cada lágrima y cada abrazo. Es como si tuviera un radar especial para detectar los momentos más emotivos y convertirlos en instantáneas que te hacen revivir todo una y otra vez.

A pesar de las circunstancias locas que nos tocó vivir casándonos en plena la pandemia, Miguel siempre mantuvo su actitud optimista y su sentido del humor, convirtiendo incluso los momentos más estresantes en recuerdos que nos sacan una sonrisa.

Nos hizo sentir tan cómodos frente a la cámara que pronto dejamos de preocuparnos por si nuestra pose era perfecta o no, simplemente nos dejamos llevar y él hizo el resto. El resultado final fueron imágenes que no solo capturaron nuestra esencia, sino que también nuestras emociones y sentimientos.

Hoy, después de cuatro años de nuestra boda, seguimos compartiendo una amistad que nació en aquel momento tan especial. Miguel no solo es nuestro fotógrafo, es parte de nuestra historia y de nuestra familia.
Ester Madrid Married couple on 01 Jun 2024
Elegimos a Miguel para realizar el reportaje de nuestra boda porque lo conocimos en la sesión de fotos que hicimos con Tu dulce Recuerdo y fue realmente sencillo “posar” y parecer nosotros mismos. Además de que sabíamos que teníamos las risas aseguradas.
Quedamos super contentos con la organización antes de la boda y que decir del día de la boda…. ¡Maravilloso! Supo captar los momentos más especiales y nos hizo sentir tan cómodos y tranquilos que a veces no nos dábamos ni cuenta de que lo teníamos al lado inmortalizando los pequeños detalles.
No solo hizo un trabajo fenomenal, sino que además nos entregó un avance a los pocos días y todas las fotos (que fueron muchísimos) en un tiempo super corto: ¡una fantasía!
Si lo que estáis buscando es un fotógrafo que se adapte a vuestro estilo, que os proponga ideas divertidas y que os haga sentir relajados y no os esté presionando o buscando poses forzadas os lo recomendamos al 150%.
Muchas gracias por acompañarnos en nuestro día, no podríamos haber elegido mejor.
Daniela Gonzalez Married couple on 15 Jun 2024
Estamos demasiado felices de haber elegido a Lima de Miguel para ser el fotógrafo de nuestra boda! Por el trato, la confianza que transmite, la atención al detalle y los resultados de las fotos. Las fotos quedaron preciosas y con el estilo natural que buscábamos, cero forzado y además no supuso perdernos mucho tiempo de disfrutar de nuestra boda. Gracias de nuevo Miguel! :)
Sònia JC Married couple on 03 Aug 2024
Hicimos la sesión preboda y la boda con Miguel.
Nos ha captado a nosotros y a nuestras famílias al 100%, estamos encantados de haberlo elegido para retratar el mejor día de nuestra vida.
No nos gustaba mucho el tema de las fotos, pero lo ha hecho tan fácil que seguro en un futuro haremos alguna otra sesión. Gracias por un trabajo tan increíble y por ser tan divertido.


Lima de Miguel
Photographer Lima de Miguel About me

With a cinematographic approach, our passion for great love stories and work method allow us to always capture the most authentic essence of the bride and groom, creating moments that reveal the true naturalness of each couple.      We love to stop those fleeting moments to turn them into timeless memories. We are extremely attentive throughout the wedding, always focused on the bride and groom and making sure they feel radiant on their big day.    We love getting to connect with all the guests and family and they follow us on any of our craziness.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average price for Lima de Miguel wedding photography services?


What percentage of users recommend Lima de Miguel and which are the most valued aspects of their wedding services?

Lima de Miguel is recommended by 100% of couples who have used their services. Their overall rating is 5.0, with the same score awarded for quality of service, flexibility, value, professionalism and average response time.

Vendor Insight

Lima de Miguel's work as a photographer extends beyond the lens to capture the heartfelt moments of life's most special occasions. Gracing the winding streets of Barcelona, this celebrated artist has garnered recognition with two Wezoree Awards, reflecting his exceptional talent through the captured memories of couples. With a collection of seven glowing testimonials, Lima de Miguel's photography stands as the narrative of emotional authenticity and artistic finesse.

Clients like Sònia JC laud Lima de Miguel for his natural ability to encapsulate the essence of personal relationships. His approach made even the camera-shy feel at ease, paving the way for future sessions with his enjoyable rapport and stunning work. Daniela Gonzalez echoes this sentiment, valuing Miguel for his seamless blend of professionalism and attentiveness, crafting images that are as genuine as they are mesmerizing, all while allowing time to savor the wedding festivities.

Acknowledged by Ester Madrid, his organizational skills before the wedding and his eagle-eyed ability to seize fleeting moments on the big day are acclaimed. Delivering images promptly, his work goes above and beyond, perfectly intertwining humor with creativity to reflect couples' unique styles. The emotional resonance of his photography is further emphasized by Deyanira Cordero Torres, who praises Miguel for his exceptional ability to document every tear and smile, transforming a day's joy into timeless mementos.

Daniel Páez Pérez celebrates Lima de Miguel's artistry and the profound level of detail in his work, reflecting on a pre-wedding session that was as enjoyable as it was stunning. His extroverted and fun personality complements his profound professionalism and passion for the art of photography. Niamh Kelly's accolades continue, underlining the integral role Miguel and his team played during the pre-wedding and wedding day, who encapsulate the magic through their lens.

Lima de Miguel, distinguished by his photographic finesse in Barcelona, captures the unspoken narratives of love and celebration. A truly remarkable photographer whose skill is proven through heartfelt testimonials, leaving a lasting legacy of joy and companionship captured forever in the blink of a shutter.