Meliunasfilms Videographer | About

Meliunasfilms Videographer | About

crown Top 5 in Nice
crown Top 100 on Wezoree
crown 5 years in Industry

I am a cinematic wedding filmmaker and I am so passionate about capturing the essence of weddings and the genuine emotions they bring!

star 5(7)
budget $5 000
Videographer Meliunasfilms About me

My dedication to preserving the authenticity and genuine moments of a wedding day is truly commendable. I am prioritizing the couple's comfort and natural expressions over staged performances, allowing them to relive their special day just as it unfolded. My passion is to travel, being with a family, I like travel, spend some time in nature. I like to read, play football to be interested in history and culture of other countries. By integrating these activities I can create a lifestyle that aligns with my passions and keeps me engaged and active!