Shutterwave fotography is a photography entity in Nigeria specializing in wedding, fashion, landscape, glamour, editorial, commercial, and advertising photography. I also shoot a range of portrait sessions including family, children, models, aged and all ages. I aim to capture both the moments you experience during your big day as well as the ones you don’t get to see making them a lasting memory for you. My photography is reserved for people who is interested in more than just snapshots but appreciates the art of photography and wants beautiful, quality pieces that can be treasured forever. I go into each photo shoot with all my energy and enthusiasm because I enjoy doing it, and I can guarantee you the best possible service. I am based in Ibadan, Nigeria but I can go anywhere with my camera as long as its an adventure. I love doing my work, and I won’t settle for anything less than perfection.

Shutterwave Photography Photographer | About
Weddings and Portraits

Shutterwave Photography
About me