Elegant Occasions by JoAnn Gregoli Planner | About

Elegant Occasions by JoAnn Gregoli Planner | About

crown Top 10 in New York City
crown Top 20 on Wezoree

Elegant Occasions by JoAnn Gregoli is renowned for crafting unforgettable moments through meticulous planning and impeccable execution.

star 5(15)
budget $30 000
Elegant Occasions by JoAnn Gregoli
Planner Elegant Occasions by JoAnn Gregoli About me

JoAnn has established herself as a leading authority in luxury wedding and event planning. Gregoli is the founder and driving force behind Elegant Occasions by JoAnn Gregoli, a premier event planning company based in New York City. Her passion for creating unforgettable experiences and her meticulous attention to detail have earned her a stellar reputation among clients and industry professionals.