35 Best Places for a Wedding Photoshoot in London

  • Publication date: 11/03/2023
  • Updated: 11/03/2023

The capital of England is a blend of contemporary vibes and a deep-rooted past. Think of it as a pal who can rock both retro and new-age styles with ease. Searching for the top locations in London for wedding photography? Look no further. We've explored, experienced, and even had a few mishaps with our detailed records to present you with this enchanting guide. Shall we begin?

Iconic London Wedding Photography Locations

Certain spots instantly come to mind when we mention London. These are the picture-worthy, breathtaking, and truly emblematic spots the city boasts. These places aren't just sceneries; they tell stories, give off feelings, and add character to every shot.

The London Eye

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Photo by @capturemeinlondon

Nestled along the South Bank of the River Thames, the London Eye is more than a big wheel. It's a rotating story of today's London. As it turns, it presents sweeping views of the urban landscape, making it a top spot for evening wedding photos in London. Picture a sweet moment with your loved one with the vast city as your backdrop. From inside its cabins, the Thames' winding path, the old Parliament, and even far-off palaces are part of the view.

The Shard

Being Europe's highest tower, The Shard isn't just about its impressive height but its smart design. Resembling a piece of glass, it pierces London's skyline. Its 95 levels mix workspaces, eateries, a hotel, and observation decks. It showcases modernity against London's timeless stories. For modern-loving couples, this place offers incredible bird's-eye views of the city, serving as a unique backdrop for wedding snaps.

Big Ben and The Houses of Parliament

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Photo by @mirandandersonphoto

The word "famous" doesn't do it justice. Located at the north of the Palace of Westminster, Big Ben is London's heartbeat. With its Gothic style and echoing bell sounds, it feels like a page from an old English book. Combine that with the vast Houses of Parliament, and you've got a backdrop that's rich, historic, and purely London.

Tower Bridge

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Photo by @nataliejweddings

Some visitors confuse it with London Bridge, but Tower Bridge stands tall over the Thames. With its paired towers, see-through walkways, and old-style moving parts, it's more than a bridge; it's a showcase of London's design genius. Its blue and white towers beautifully offset the city's colors, providing a royal and everlasting ambiance for those special snapshots.

Buckingham Palace

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Photo by @julielanecelebrant

The height of noble sophistication, Buckingham Palace represents the UK's royal past. Its impressive front, the well-known Guard Switch, and the vast Victoria Memorial offer various settings for couples wanting a touch of royalty. The golden barriers, the guards in red, and the palace's splendor ensure each photo feels like a chapter from a regal book.

Rooftop Wedding Photo Venues in London

City rooftops stand out amidst the urban buzz, acting like secret platforms against a sprawling sky, ready to capture your romantic moments. London's horizon is a blend of age-old towers and contemporary high-rises. Let's climb to some of these top spots.

Sky Garden

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Photo by @antoniakaterinaphotography

Located on 20 Fenchurch Street, the Sky Garden feels like a floating green haven. It's a refreshing change from the city's steel outlook. With its layered green spaces and the notable domed ceiling, it's a green sanctuary in the city's heart. Think of being surrounded by foliage while viewing the River Thames below—it's a mix of urban style and garden charm.

Radio Rooftop Bar, ME London

Positioned on the Strand, Radio Rooftop Bar offers full-circle sights of London, making it one of the best places in London for a wedding photoshoot. With the Thames to one side and lively roads to the other, it mirrors London's vibrant spirit. It gleams in daylight and sparkles with city lights at night. Its modern furniture and setting offer a fresh twist against the old backdrop, making it a favorite for contemporary couples.

Sushisamba City

Sitting on the Heron Tower's 38th and 39th levels, Sushisamba showcases one of the tallest open-air dining spots in London. It's not just about altitude, though. The place beautifully combines Japanese, Brazilian, and Peruvian influences in both its food and design. The striking orange tree centerpiece offers a playful element for photos, with unmatched views of surrounding landmarks for added flair.

The Rooftop St. James

Facing Trafalgar Square, The Rooftop of St. James gives an unrivaled view of London's key attractions. From Nelson’s Column to the London Eye, the city sprawls out beneath. The spot mixes elegance with a trendy touch, featuring stylish seating and bars. Here, you don't just snap photos; you seize moments that echo the city's beat.

Madison, One New Change

Close to St. Paul's Cathedral, Madison presents a blend of history and today. From here, St. Paul's renowned dome seems touchable. It's a design haven, showing the transition of architectural styles over the years. With its broad decks, cozy areas, and broad windows, Madison isn't just a place; it's an ambiance.

Historic Wedding Photography Venues in London

London is a tapestry of tales. Each stone, arch, and old building holds stories. For wedding photos, what could be more heartfelt than capturing your moments amidst tales from yesteryears? 

Hampton Court Palace

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Photo by @majatsolophotography

Previously home to King Henry VIII, Hampton Court Palace embodies Tudor's magnificence. With vast gardens, detailed wall hangings, and the renowned labyrinth, it's where history mingles with today. The grand Great Hall, with its iconic ceiling, or the peaceful Privy Garden offer settings fit for kings and queens. Roaming its halls, you'll sense the regal past, ready to pen a fresh page in a timeless story.

Westminster Abbey

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Photo by @matttylerphoto

More than its sacred aura, Westminster Abbey stands as a historical and architectural gem. From the iconic Coronation Chair to the Poets' Corner, every nook hums with memories of past events and figures. Hosting royal weddings like Prince William and Catherine Middleton's, it's a beacon of enduring love.

The Tower of London

Overlooking the River Thames, the Tower of London isn't merely an old fortress; it's a treasure trove of British tales. Hosting crowning ceremonies, detentions, and even executions, its walls are imprinted with myriad stories. Picture your love moments by the White Tower or near places once tread by figures like Anne Boleyn. Every part of this place melds romance with history, setting it apart as a top London wedding venue for wedding photography.

Banqueting House, Whitehall

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Photo by @davidcphotography

The last fragment of the Whitehall Palace, the Banqueting House is a reminder of the eventful Stuart period. Its jewel is the roof, crafted by Sir Peter Paul Rubens, which transforms the space into a dynamic artwork. 

St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel

A gem from the Victorian age, the St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel beautifully mixes Gothic touches with modern opulence. The majestic staircase, boasting iron details and arched ceilings, is a dream for photographers. The hallways echo tales of past wanderers, while the hotel's exterior, marked by unique brick patterns, showcases the elegance of days gone by.

Instagram-Worthy Wedding Photo Spots in London

In the Instagram universe, it's all about that perfect blend of visuals and tales, where a single shot can win a wave of likes (or maybe even go viral if it's spot-on). London, with its vibrant palette, beckons to be showcased on your feed. Truth be told, certain places have that magnetic allure. It could be the atmosphere, the panorama, or its innate charm; these spots are a treat for the gram. Excited to explore London wedding photoshoot locations that are primed for trending hashtags? #HereWeGo

Leake Street Tunnel

Venturing slightly off the typical track, Leake Street Tunnel marries urban vibes with creative brilliance. Recognized as a unique wedding photo location in London, it’s as dynamic and cool as you'd expect. From striking murals to thought-provoking words, this underpass is alive with hues and ideas. 

Neal's Yard

Hidden in Covent Garden's heart, Neal's Yard is like a splash of paint in London's monochromatic canvas. This enchanting enclave, with its lively facades, green drapes, and distinctive shops, feels like entering a world of color. Every corner exudes a laid-back elegance, setting a lively and vivid scene to make your wedding snaps stand out. 

Portobello Road

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Photo by @joannabongardphoto

Envision soft-hued residences, age-old stores, and lively vendors, all wrapped in a feel that blends nostalgia with love. Each building here has its own narrative, from the pastel-toned dwellings to classic theaters. It's more than a street; it’s an experience through London's soul, filled with moments of yesteryears and allure.

Little Venice

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Photo by @memoirsbykayleigh

Visualize the charm of Venice's waterways but with a distinct English touch. Welcome to Little Venice. This scenic maze of rivers and channels, dotted with houseboats, petite bridges, and florals, paints a dreamy picture. The serene waters mirroring the delicate-toned houses craft a peaceful and love-filled atmosphere, akin to a romantic fable set amidst London.

The Churchill Arms

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Photo by @photobyben

A pub might seem an odd choice for wedding clicks, but The Churchill Arms is an exception. This Kensington treasure is draped in a floral tapestry. Embellished with colorful blossoms, cascading pots, and twinkling lights throughout the year, it’s delightfully eccentric and very British. 

Hidden Gems for Wedding Photos in London

There's something truly exhilarating about unearthing those hidden pockets in a city as celebrated as London. Especially when those moments you're capturing are meant to be cherished forever, these lesser-known gems exude an allure that's unparalleled. Shh... these are London's clandestine jewels, and you're in for a treat!

Eel Pie Island

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Photo by @lovlieillustration

Isn't the name alone enticing? Eel Pie Island, a secluded isle nestled within the Thames, is nothing short of spellbinding. A locale teeming with jazz lore and celebrated for its artist hub, this haven serves up quaint trails, hidden verdant pockets, and pristine river vistas untouched by time's march. 

God’s Own Junkyard

A kaleidoscope of hues and neon fantasies awaits! Secluded in Walthamstow, God's Own Junkyard is a trove of neon marvels. Spanning retro to contemporary neon designs, the radiant display set against the muted ambiance is both otherworldly and enthralling. It's eclectic, pulsating with energy, and an avant-garde backdrop for your scenic wedding photos in London.

The Seven Noses of Soho

Craving an element of playful eccentricity? How about a photographic treasure hunt? Dotting Soho are seven distinct noses, a quirky masterpiece by artist Rick Buckley. While they might seem offbeat, integrating these art pieces into your wedding snapshots infuses them with whimsy, novelty, and a delightful twist. 

Daunt Books, Marylebone

Daunt Books, with its regal oak panels, illuminating skylights, and timeless Edwardian elegance, is akin to diving into a bibliophile's fantasy. The exquisite woodwork, atmospheric green luminaires, and the endless alcoves of literature craft an ambiance that's simultaneously intimate and enchanting. 

Kyoto Garden in Holland Park

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Photo by @hmdfilm

The Kyoto Garden is a slice of Japanese tranquility. Picture serene koi-filled waters, age-old stone illuminations, mesmerizing waterfalls, and vivid foliage. This meticulously curated landscape extends a serene and dreamlike milieu for your wedding captures. 

Natural Wedding Photo Settings in London

Amid the city's hustle and the iconic skyline, London's green heartbeats with a tranquility that's both surprising and refreshing. With nature's symphony as the backdrop and the sun filtering through the trees, there's a magic to London's parks and gardens that's irresistibly romantic.

Richmond Park

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Photo by @slawawalczakphotography

An expansive ode to the wild, Richmond Park encapsulates nature in its rawest form. As one of the best parks for wedding photos in London, its allure is undeniable. As deer prance and ponds shimmer, this royal retreat sprawls with an authenticity that's both rare and inviting. The Isabella Plantation, bedecked with vibrant azaleas and rhododendrons, is a petal-strewn wonder, making Richmond Park an essential destination for wedding photos with a rustic touch.

The Pergola, Hampstead Heath

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Photo by @jalaishahnaveed

Tucked away in the expansive Hampstead Heath, The Pergola is an Edwardian gem, where architecture intertwines with nature's embrace. Its timeworn pillars, draped with ivy, offer a dreamlike setting that overlooks the city's vast expanse. As the sun bathes the structure in a golden hue, The Pergola exudes an ethereal charm that's ideal for capturing timeless moments.

Regents Park Rose Garden

In the heart of London, Regents Park Rose Garden paints a fragrant tableau of love. As one of the premier gardens for wedding photos in London, this aromatic enclave, home to a tapestry of over 12,000 roses, provides a backdrop that's both vibrant and intimate.

The Horniman Museum and Gardens

Marrying structured beauty with nature's whimsy, the Horniman Museum and Gardens in Forest Hill present diverse landscapes against the backdrop of London's skyline. The Sunken Garden, with its cascading waters, contrasts beautifully with the untamed allure of the Meadow Field. For a touch of the extraordinary, the in-house butterfly sanctuary offers a burst of color and delicate charm to your shots.

Kew Gardens

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Photo by @memoirz

As a sanctuary of botanical wonders, Kew Gardens is an ever-evolving tableau of nature's best. Whether it's the historic Palm House or the tranquil ambiance of the Japanese Garden, each space offers a unique narrative. 

Indoor Wedding Photography Venues in London

In a city as illustrious as London, even the rain can't dampen the spirits of couples looking for that perfect shot. Indeed, when the heavens open up, London's indoors are invited with spaces that resonate with history, style, and an undeniable charm. While London's skyline and gardens often steal the limelight, its interiors are no less enchanting.

The Natural History Museum

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Photo by @hollyclarkphotography

Imagine standing under the awe-inspiring shadow of the blue whale skeleton, or amidst the enigmatic gaze of relics from millennia past. The Natural History Museum is not just a space, it's an epoch, weaving the grand tales of Earth's history with your own personal narrative of love.

The British Museum

An ode to human history and culture, The British Museum offers columns that touch the skies and artifacts that whisper tales of yore. The iconic glass ceiling bathes everything in a luminescent glow, creating a backdrop that's as timeless as love itself. Your love story, framed by treasures like the Rosetta Stone, becomes a part of an enduring human saga.

Sketch, Mayfair

Pushing the boundaries of conventional, Sketch in Mayfair tantalizes with hues of pink, avant-garde art, and a vibe that's irreverently chic. Every corner here brims with character, ensuring that your photos reflect a contemporary edge, whimsy, and a touch of the sublime. 

Leighton House Museum

As you step into the Leighton House Museum, one of the classic wedding photo spots in London, you're embraced by the golden age of Victorian art and luxury. The Arab Hall, with its shimmering tiles and intricate craftsmanship, tells tales of far-off lands and timeless beauty.

Barbican Conservatory

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Photo by @anthony_formalwear

Nestled within the iconic brutalist structure of the Barbican lies a verdant surprise. The Barbican Conservatory is a juxtaposition of the urban and the wild, with its sprawling array of plants creating an ambiance that's both serene and spectacular. Here, the rawness of concrete mingles with the softness of nature, offering a setting that's as distinctive as your love story.

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