Through the Lens of Legacy: Kiyah Crittendon Photography, One of the Best Wedding Photographers in Washington DC

AUTHOR: Natali Grace Levine

READING TIME: 2 min 3 sec


UPDATED: 08/29/2024


Alright, dear reader, as we embark on this photographic journey, let's zoom in on the artist behind the lens at Kiyah Crittendon, a top Washington DC wedding photographer.

A Legacy Worth Capturing

Every captivating tale has its origin, and Kiyah’s story unfurls with a touch of familial magic. "My father and grandfather both had incredible photography talents," she fondly shared. For the Crittendons, photography isn’t merely a job; it's an inherited passion. When most teenagers were navigating the maze of adolescence, Kiyah was diving headfirst into the world of analog film. She reminisced, "I fell in love with analog film during a high school darkroom class in 2006." Ah, those high school passions! Yet, Kiyah's youthful dalliance transformed into a lifelong devotion.

Crafting the Perfect Shot

Fast forward to the present. Kiyah's style transcends mere shutter clicks; it's a symphony of vision and technique. She defines her art as "a seamless combination of photojournalism and editorial." This artistic blend means that while some moments are naturally spontaneous, others are infused with Kiyah’s unique creative essence. Curious about the tech ensemble behind those picturesque shots? Kiyah gleefully revealed, "I arrive at a wedding with anywhere from 4 to 7 film and digital cameras." Names like Canon R6, Contax 645, and Minolta TLR might confound the uninitiated. But for Kiyah, each is more than a gadget; they're trusted comrades in her photography voyage.

Behind the Scenes: Post-Processing Magic

The finished picture is but a part of the tale. For Kiyah, the post-capture journey is equally riveting. Diving deep, she detailed, "For my film work, I send my rolls to Indie Film Lab where they process and scan on a Noritsu scanner." But the film is just one facet; her digital captures undergo a distinctive alchemy too. Sharing her magic mix, Kiyah said, "I edit in Lightroom using a combination of Archetype Process, Goodlight, and Kristen Marie Parker profiles and presets that I've tweaked to my own liking." Marrying vintage film elegance with modern tech nuances, Kiyah ensures each snap narrates its unique story.

Wisdom from the Field: Kiyah’s Nuggets

Each photographer carries a signature touch, and Kiyah's modus operandi is a blend of heartfelt intuition and refined experience. “My approach is focused on empathy and experience." With years of encapsulating amorous tales, she has finessed her method, always prioritizing genuine, organic emotions. For those poised to step before her lens, Kiyah imparts a gem: "Take some time to relax, breathe, and just be together away from wedding planning." And if ever in a reflective mood about your chosen one? Pen down your feelings. As Kiyah advises, elucidate "why out of the billions of people out there, you’ve chosen to spend the rest of your life with them." Such pearls of wisdom earmark Kiyah not merely as a photographer but as a masterful narrator, chronicling tales of love, one frame at a time.

And thus, we present to you a journey into the universe of Kiyah Crittendon. From cherished legacies to artisanal secrets, it’s manifestly evident: behind every image is a tale, richly waiting to be unveiled.

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