Jenna Greenawalt's Approach to Wedding Photography

AUTHOR: Editor-in-Chief

READING TIME: 4 min 2 sec


UPDATED: 08/29/2024


In the crowded world of wedding photography, finding a truly unique voice is rare. Enter Jenna Greenawalt, a former math teacher turned visual poet who's redefining the art of capturing love. Her journey from high school hobbyist to a sought-after professional is a testament to her dedication, analytical mind, and artistic soul. Let's dive into the world of this extraordinary photographer who's making waves in the industry.

From Classroom to Camera: An Unlikely Beginning

Photo by @Jenna Greenawalt
Photo by @Jenna Greenawalt

Jenna's path to photography was far from conventional. "In college I studied to be math teacher, all while growing my photography business on the side," she reveals. This unusual background has profoundly shaped her approach to the craft. "In many ways, my "math" background informed how I approached photography. I was always thinking very analytically about photos. I wanted to create strong composition, and I wanted to understand WHAT made a photo great, or why certain photos didn't work at all."

This analytical mindset sets Jenna apart in a field often dominated by pure creatives. She approaches each shoot with the precision of a scientist, constantly analyzing and refining her technique. “I still very much approach my work this way. My goal is to create art, but I'm constantly aiming to become 1% better. I'm always analyzing my work and work that inspires me, studying it to become better!” she adds.

Jenna's Unique Style

When asked to describe her style, Jenna doesn't hesitate: "At some point along the way my tag line became "poetic pictures & unique snapshots, inspired by your story, led by your love" and I honestly think that really encapsulates my style. My goal is to create photos that feel like poetry. Each photo, a line in a greater work, adding some value to the overall piece. I want to create one-of-a-kind pieces for my couples. 

And I want those photos to honor my couple's stories and their love."

But don't mistake her for a traditionalist. Jenna's work is a captivating blend of editorial sharpness and artistic abstraction. "I often incorporate blur, grain, movement, and emotive colors to create an overall photo," she says, describing her technique.

This fusion results in images that are both timeless and deeply emotional. "At the same time, I value photos with strong composition & an editorial edge. Colors that feel timeline. Pictures that are just beautiful for the sake of being beautiful. Ultimately this combination of compositionally strong & beautiful imagery paired with artistic imagery defines my overall style," Jenna summarizes. "Editorial + Artistic."

The Toolbox: Blending Old and New

Photo by @Jenna Greenawalt
Photo by @Jenna Greenawalt

Jenna's equipment choices reflect her dual nature as both innovator and traditionalist. "A mix of film & digital!" she exclaims when asked about her gear. "My digital set up is Sony, and for film, I love using my Holga camera, Contax G2, and Contax 645."

This blend of cutting-edge digital technology and vintage film cameras allows Jenna to create images that feel both fresh and nostalgic. It's a perfect metaphor for her approach to wedding photography – honoring tradition while pushing creative boundaries.

Speaking on editing, she shares: “For film, I do very light editing! For digital, lots of post-processing goes into creating the final image! Ultimately I want all my photos to have a timeless film aesthetic, so I work really hard to match my digital to film!”

Beyond Pretty Pictures: The Collaborative Process

For Jenna, photography isn't just about taking beautiful images; it's about telling a couple's unique story. "Collaboration with my clients is so important," she stresses. "I'm really driven and inspired by my couple's relationship & all the connection that is so evident on wedding days."

This collaborative approach extends to every aspect of her work. "From the beginning, I ask about my couple's wedding day values. I want photography to be something that really adds to the joy of their day (vs. distracts them). Before the wedding, we send out a detailed questionnaire that allows our couples to fill us in on any important dynamics, photo moments, etc. and we talk about those things on our final meeting," Jenna explains. "In general, the couples that are drawn to my work value beautiful & timeless imagery... but underneath that, imagery that captures connection. With that value aligned: magic happens."

The Joy of Creation: Why Jenna Loves What She Does

Photo by @Jenna Greenawalt
Photo by @Jenna Greenawalt

When asked what she enjoys most about being a photographer, Jenna's passion is palpable. "I love connecting with my couples. Being let into moments that are so intimate and special," she gushes. "Hearing stories & being impacted by love (whether that is the couple's love or all the relationships that come together on a wedding day). And finally, I love being a part of a team. I'm indebted to the people that push me creatively, serve our couples, and hustle alongside me (shoutout Grace, Jude, Casey, and so many others!)"

But it's not just about the human connection. For Jenna, photography is a profound act of creation. "I love making art," she says simply. "I love connecting to a deep place of artistry and channeling that on wedding days."

The Final Product: More Than Just Photos

In the end, what Jenna creates isn't just a collection of beautiful images. It's a visual heirloom, a poetic retelling of one of the most important days in a couple's life. Her unique blend of analytical thinking, artistic vision, and genuine human connection produces wedding photos that are more than just beautiful – they're unforgettable.

"I'm so incredibly grateful for all the clients who have trusted me over the years, and the clients who continue to trust me. This job has connected me to so many people, stories, relationships that have completely enriched my life. Honoring those stories, through my lens, is something I'm deeply motivated by," Jenna reflects. 

For couples seeking a photographer who can truly capture the essence of their love story, Jenna Greenawalt offers a rare combination of technical skill, artistic vision, and heartfelt dedication. Her work isn't just about preserving memories; it's about creating visual poetry that will be treasured for generations to come.

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